Saturday , 22 February 2025
Breaking News

Comprehensive Plan Open House

On Monday, April 16 the City of Blue Island and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) will be hosting an Public Open House at the City Hall East Annex from 4:30 to 7:30pm for the Blue Island Comprehensive Plan.

The draft plan will be available for public review and comment. Exhibits on display at the open house will include future land use maps as well as the recommended priorities for the City in the near future.

The purpose of the open house is to receive public comment prior to the beginning of the formal review process with City Council.  Representatives from the City and CMAP will be available to answer questions.

The Blue Island Comprehensive Plan builds on previous planning and revitalization efforts, and will guide growth and decision-making in the City for years to come.

No formal presentation will be given, so please feel free to drop in at any time between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.  Additional information about the comprehensive plan is available on CMAP’s Blue Island project webpage at Please contact Jessica Simoncelli at jsimoncelli [at] or (312) 386-8631 with questions about the open house.

Tell your friends!  Download and share the flyer in English and Spanish.