Historic Preservation Commission

Click here to view the Historic District map and landmark properties

Blue Island Historic Preservation Commission
13051 Greenwood Ave, Blue Island, IL 60406
Robert Vasilenko, Historic Preservation Commission Liaison
Phone: (708) 396-7051 | rvasilenko@cityofblueisland.org


The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was established in 1981 and is composed of 7 citizens appointed by the Mayor. The HPC provides the following services:

Landmark and Historic District Nominations

  • The HPC makes recommendations to the City Council on preservation matters, including Landmark and Historic District nominations. To nominate a property or district, click here to print and fill out our Landmark Nomination Form. Upon completion, you can drop off the form at the City of Blue Island’s Building Department: 13051 Greenwood Ave, Blue Island, IL 60406. Once a property is landmarked, the property owner needs to fill out an Owner Consent Form as well.

Certificate of Appropriateness

  • The HPC issues owners of landmark properties a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for any exterior alteration or construction visible from the street or the public way, all requiring a building permit from the City.

Technical Assistance – Preservation Planning

  • In addition, the HPC offers its technical expertise to help homeowners looking to develop a historically appropriate preservation plan for their property.


    • Tom Mantel, Chair
    • Earl Summers, Vice Chair
    • Alex Gomez, Secretary
    • Linda O’Daniel
    • Steve Carr
    • Pat Disabato
    • Brad St. Ledger


The Commission meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall East Annex Building at 2434 Vermont.  Meetings are open to the public.

Please email tommantel84@gmail.com to obtain information or to be included in the next meeting’s agenda.

HPC Agenda
HPC-Agenda, 01-23-25
HPC-Agenda, 08-22-24
HPC Agenda, 03-28-24
HPC Agenda, 12-28-23
HPC Agenda, 07-27-23
HPC Agenda, 03-23-23
HPC Agenda, 02-23-23
HPC Agenda, 01-26-23
HPC Agenda, 08-25-22
HPC Agenda, 07-28-22
HPC Agenda, 06-23-22
HPC Agenda, 05-26-22

HPC Minutes
HPC Minutes, 08-24-23
HPC Minutes, 07-27-23
HPC Minutes, 11-17-22
HPC Minutes, 10-27-22
HPC Minutes, 09-22-22
HPC Minutes, 08-25-22
HPC Minutes, 07-28-22
HPC Minutes, 06-23-22
HPC Minutes, 05-26-22