Urban Forestry Board Appointed

On Tuesday, March 23, City Council appointed a 7-member Urban Forestry Board to assist Council and Staff with forestry and landscaping issues in Blue Island.

A first event to watch for is the planting of a tree in honor of Arbor Day. This will be an important step in getting Blue Island recognized and designated as a Tree City, USA. Forestry Board members in cooperation with the Community Development Department and Public Works will be planning and coordinating this event for April.

A second project being planned is to improve the landscaping and attractiveness of several open public spaces around the city. In the future more information and announcements about Forestry Board meetings and events will be posted on the City website and printed in The Forum. Citizens are encouraged to talk to any of the Board members they may know or live near by. New volunteers and fresh suggestions are always welcome.

Faculty and students at Eisenhower H.S. will be planning some events around Earth Day to encourage people to reuse, recycle, and reduce. If your children are involved or interested please encourage and support them. Kudos from the Forestry Board to Jillian Neillsson, Stacy Kasperzyk, and other DDEHS teachers who are organizing and coordinating these worthwhile events. They have also scheduled Perry Recker to speak to the Student Council at DDEHS on March 31st about the importance of trees in our environment and what students can do to help us all take better care of them.

The next meeting of the Blue Island Urban Forestry Board is scheduled for Thursday April 15, 2010. 7:00 p.m.  Meetings are open to all.

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