Calumet-Sag Trail Public Meeting

Thursday, August 18, 2011

7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

East Annex

2434 Vermont Street,  Blue Island

URS Corporation planners and engineers are preparing preliminary designs for signage and wayfinding elements for the Calumet-Sag Trail as well as investigating the ways in which the Calumet-Sag communities can achieve maximum benefits from the Trail. The purpose of the meeting is to solicit input and ideas from citizens and stakeholders as to how Blue Island can best capitalize on this opportunity. Other towns across the nation have realized increased economic development, environmental enhancement and social benefits (“Triple Bottom Line”) by thoughtfully embracing regional trails when located within or adjacent to their communities. The URS Team seeks to learn from Blue Island how such benefits can be defined and then pursued over the coming years.

Attendees will have the opportunity to view an audio-visual presentation, review the proposed alignment within Blue Island, provide input and ideas through small group settings, convene together to review the findings of the small groups and conclude by considering the next steps. Interested persons may attend from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.   Light refreshments will be served!

This meeting will be accessible to differently-abled individuals.  Anyone needing specific assistance should contact Mary Poulsen at 708-396-7035 or via e-mail at

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