Blessing of the Water

The fourth annual Interfaith Day of Prayer to Heal and Renew the Environment will be held on Sunday, June 24 at 4 pm.

People of every religious faith are invited to meet at the Cal Sag Waterfall in Blue Island for an inter-religious and highly participatory ritual of spiritual cleansing and renewal for the water, land and air of our planet.
(On the Cal Sag Channel.  The parking lot is located on Chatham, south of Vermont and North of the Bridge…Watch for signs)

For directions or more information, please call 708-528-9862 or 773-370-9862 or email Rev. Rodney Reinhart fo St. Joseph and St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church buy kamagra soft usa at





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Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Western Avenue Pedestrian Improvements

Click here to view the PDF of this Request for Qualifications.