Help kids start the School Year Prepared

Hello Blue Island!

Please help our neighborhood children with much-needed school supplies to start the year off right. We currently have over 60 homeless families that attend our schools and a very large portion of our children are on some kind of financial assistance. School supplies and uniforms are hard for struggling families to afford, especially when some are forced to choose between a roof over their head and food on the table.

These children are coming to school unprepared and we want them to be able to live up to their full potential and not be worried because they don’t have pencils or a notebook for the day. Please donate anything from a pack of pencils to a book bag or gym shoes. Anything helps, and if we work together as the strong BLUE ISLAND that we are, I really hope to see less plastic bags carrying home books and more smiling excelling children! Look for our donation boxes at the Blue Island City Hall in the Clerks Office and East Annex, as well as the Fire Department and Police Station. We will be accepting donations until August 20th!

If you have any questions or if you have a local business and would like to add a box in your shop, please call Carol Kusman at (708) 752-3832. I will run one over!! Thank you Blue Island!!!!!!

What to Donate:

Book bags
#2 Pencils
Crayons, 24 or 48 count
Glue Sticks
Glue Bottles
Wide Ruled Paper
Blunt End Scissors
Index cards, all sizes
Dry Expo Markers (Black please)
2-pocket Folders
Spiral Notebooks Wide-Ruled
1 or 1.5 inch Binders, White
Pencil Boxes or Zip-Pencil Bags
Zip-Lock Bags (quart or gallon size)
Paper Towels
Facial Tissue
Baby Wipes
Gym Shoes

Where to Donate: (between Aug. 1st and 20th, 2014)

Blue Island City Hall Clerks Office
13051 Greenwood Ave

Blue Island City Hall East Annex
2434 Vermont St. (not always open to the public)

Blue Island Police Department
13031 Greenwood Ave

Blue Island Fire Department
2450 Vermont St

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