RFP: Blue Island Recreation Center Facility & Grounds Renovations

The City of Blue Island is seeking proposals from qualified general contracting firms to provide professional services to the City for execution of renovations and facility improvements to one of its open space/recreational facilities: Blue Island Recreation Center, located at 2805 W. 141st Street.

The City has a strong commitment to a sustainable Blue Island, including a commitment to providing high-quality parks and recreation facilities for citizens of the community. In 2014, Blue Island formalized its commitment to sustainability by announcing BLUE ISLAND GOING GREEN (B.I.G.G.), as an initiative designed to reshape the municipal process in a manner that emphasizes municipal quality standards around: air & water quality; recycling & waste management; improved & expanded bike infrastructure; green purchasing; open space cultivation; and renewable energy sources.  https://www.blueisland.org/think-bigg/

All responding proposers should consider B.I.G.G. when formulating responses. The qualifying proposer (General Contractor) will be responsible for effectively managing and overseeing facility renovation utilizing a scope of work across multiple construction trade areas, addressing the following: the roofing system, internal/external HVAC system, lighting, and the interior/exterior finish of the gymnasium.

The focus of the general contractor responsibilities should be: selection and management of trade-specific subcontractors, minimization of project risk, formulation and adherence to an agreed-upon construction schedule, and operation within the project budget. Secondarily, the City looks to defer to the general contractor on acquisition of information that may reduce project risks and errors, improving constructability and securing budget goals.

All bids need to be received by August 4th, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.. To submit your proposal please e-mail it to rhoulf@cityofblueisland.org ,or drop off a proposal City of Blue Island, Municipal Services, 13051 Greenwood Avenue.

RFP Blue Island Recreation Center

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