Ward Redistricting Committee – Public Hearing Schedule

Date Activity
December 3rd, 2015 1st Public Hearing
December 10th, 2015 Public input on redistricting plans due to City Clerk’s  Office or you can bring them to the hearing for first draft review
December 10th, 2015 2nd Public Hearing
Week of December 13th, 2015 The Redistricting Committee will release their first draft
January 7th, 2016  1st Public Hearing of the first draft
January 14th, 2016  2nd Public Hearing of the first draft
January 17th, 2016 Final Draft is presented to the public


The City of Blue Island will hold a series of public hearings to get the community’s input regarding the redistricting of the City Council Wards.


Process for Developing and Approving a New Districting Plan

The City Council has appointed a Redistricting Committee that includes five alderman. After holding four public hearings and reviewing the public input, the committee is charged with making a recommendation to the City Council in January.

How to participate in the Redistricting Process

1) Attend a redistricting meeting.

All meetings by the  Redistricting Committee are already displayed on this page of the website. Draft materials may be attached to meeting agendas on the website. Materials reviewed at the meetings will be attached to the meeting minutes, which are linked from the agenda of the subsequent meeting.

 2) Submit ideas at public meetings or directly to the Redistricting Committee

The Redistricting Committee invites your comments at all public hearings.

You may also email questions, ideas or documents to the Redistricting Committee’s Chairman, Alderman Fred Bilotto at  fbilotto@cityofblueisland.org  You must include your name and address.

Mail should be directed to the City Clerk’s Office: City Hall, 13051 S. Greenwood Ave, Blue Island, IL

To make your voice heard,  drop off or mail your submission to the City Clerk’s Office (13051 S. Greenwood Ave, Blue Island, IL)

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