Reduced Fees for Seniors

PrintThe City of Blue Island now offers its seniors who are 65 or older:

  • $5 vehicle stickers (1 per household)
  • Reduced trash rate for primary single family residence (currently 15.36 instead of 25.08)
  • Reduced minimum water usage charge for primary single family residence (1,000 instead of 2,000 gallons per month)

In order to ensure that all Seniors are receiving these benefits, every January eligible Seniors will need to complete a Senior Registration form and drop it off at City Hall.

Please fill this out the City of Blue Island Senior Citizen Registration and return it to the Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 13051 Greenwood Avenue.

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Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Western Avenue Pedestrian Improvements

Click here to view the PDF of this Request for Qualifications.