Brewmasters Vintage Base Ball Home Game – September 8, 2018

Saturday, September 8 at 2pm
Gas Works Grounds
Intersection of James & Ann Streets
Blue Island, IL

In just their second season, the Blue Island Brewmasters have acquired quite a following. The vintage base ball (as it was in 1858, two words) team takes the field for their final home game on Saturday, September 8 at 2:00 p.m. at the Gas Works Grounds in Blue Island and are inviting “cranks” (fans, as they were affectionately known) from all over the southland to come out and enjoy the fun.

Some notable differences between today’s game and the way it was played in 1858: Fielders wear no gloves, and can catch the ball on a fly, or, on one bounce to put a batter out. There’s no spitting, swearing, stealing bases, sliding, or arguing, with infractions incurring a fine of a day’s wages – 25 cents. Pitching is underhand, and it’s the job of the hurler to place the ball where the batter wishes.

This program is just one of many presented by the Blue Island Historical Society, a community organization dedicated to preserving local history and educating the public.

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