Blue Island Tree Campaign Grows In 2019

Eisenhower students are joining the effort to ‘green up’ the city

Students and staff from Eisenhower High School will dig into the Blue Island Tree Campaign this spring, joining local residents in planting trees around the city. Please join the effort on these dates.

• April 3rd 3:30-4:30 A presentation about importance of trees and overview of the initiative will be given to students, teachers, and neighbors. Presenters are representatives from US Forestry, Student Conservation Association, Chicago Region Tree Initiative -Morton Arboretum.

• April 9th 1:00- 4:00 A training planting day for Eisenhower Students.Up to 15 trees can be planted on School Property with experienced Student Conservation Association. Staff, US Forester and Morton Arboretum to offer hands-on training.

• April 13th 9:00-1:00 Community Planting Day! All are invited!!! The students and staff of Eisenhower along with community members will plant between 60 to 65 parkway trees at predetermined sites within the walking distance of 8 blocks from Eisenhower High School. Use this link to sign up as a volunteer:

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