Coronavirus Information Alert: City Enacts Water Disconnection Moratorium

MEDIA ALERT – For Immediate Release

Mayor’s Office
City of Blue Island, Illinois
(708) 597-8603

Coronavirus Information Alert: City Enacts Water Disconnection Moratorium

March 13, 2020, Blue Island, Illinois: City of Blue Island Mayor Domingo Vargas has announced a moratorium on water service disconnections due to non-payment at any Blue Island residence or business, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The moratorium will be in place for the next 30 days and customers are still responsible for their consumption during that time. The City will reassess the plan throughout the month as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and adjust as necessary.

“Water is a critical resource and it must be provided to all of our residents without any conditions during these trying times,” said Mayor Vargas. “No Blue Islander will be left out of having access to clean water.”

While Blue Island doesn’t have any confirmed cases of COVID-19, the City is enacting proactive measures to help prevent the spread of the virus and to strengthen the overall health of the community, including closing the John D. Rita Recreation Center and The Meadows Golf Club, effective March 14, 2020 until further notice. Additionally, Blue Island Public Library will be closed through March 21, and programming suspended through March 30. Please visit for the latest updates.

Blue Island police officers and firefighters have been equipped with personal protective equipment and trained to ask screening questions related to the coronavirus when they handle certain medical calls. At City Hall, procedures have been updated to help combat the spread of the virus as well.

“Blue Island staff are continuing to implement additional daily cleaning disinfecting all public areas,” said Mayor Vargas. “However, we encourage people to interact with the City remotely as much as possible in the coming weeks, including sending payments and correspondence by mail and utilizing our city website and email addresses to communicate.”

The City has also posted prevention information and additional resources related to COVID-19 on its website at, where visitors can sign up for email alerts for important updates.

Among the primary prevention activities are such measures as:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Use hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid contact with sick people.
• Stay home if you are sick.
• Cover mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
• Exercise social distancing when and wherever possible.


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