Coronavirus Update: Temporary Reopening of Former MetroSouth Medical Center

For Immediate Release

Daniel J. Reda, Fire Chief
City of Blue Island, Illinois

Coronavirus Update: Temporary Reopening of Former MetroSouth Medical Center

March 30, 2020, Blue Island, Illinois: In Governor Pritzker’s Coronavirus press briefing today, he announced plans by the state to prepare additional facilities to address the growing COVID-19 pandemic, including temporarily reopening the former Metro South Medical Center in Blue Island. Members of the Illinois National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers have been on site beginning preparation for the facility’s reopening.

The City of Blue Island is working as a partner with the State of Illinois, Cook County Department of Public Health, Illinois Emergency Management Association, and with our local elected officials, with the best interests of our community and our commitment to helping fight the spread of Coronavirus at the forefront of our discussions.

We look forward to sharing more information with you as we have it. For the latest Coronavirus updates and information, visit Thank you for your continued support of our community-wide efforts to flatten the curve of this dangerous virus. Please continue to adhere to the Stay at Home order and remember: STAY HOME. SAVE LIVES.


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