Blue Island Receives $698k in CARES Act Funding to Offset COVID Costs; Upgrade Emergency Medical Services

December 22, 2020, Blue Island, Illinois: On December 18, 2020, the City of Blue Island was notified of Cook County’s acceptance of its CARES Act funding application, resulting in a check to Blue Island in the amount of $698,816.33. The funds will help offset extra operational costs incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as provide initial funding for the City’s upgrade from Basic Life Support to Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Services.

Blue Island was first notified of the CARES Act funding opportunity in July. In the months that followed, Finance Director Tapeca Carthan worked alongside the COVID-19 task force and administrative team to carefully document qualifying costs as well as create a compelling narrative for the City’s need to upgrade emergency medical services in response to the pandemic.

“We’re extremely grateful to Cook County for the opportunity to recoup the costs we’ve incurred as a result of the pandemic, and we’re proud of the team we have at the City who worked so diligently to apply for every dollar available,” says Blue Island Mayor Domingo Vargas.

Blue Island’s Fire Department will begin purchasing equipment needed for the ALS upgrade before the end of the year, and in February 2021, three members of the department will begin training at Ingalls Paramedic School.

Police Chief Bernadine Rzab and Fire Chief Dan Reda have been at the helm of Blue Island’s Coronavirus response since March, with Chief Reda playing a critical role in securing funding and approval for the ALS upgrade.

“Upgrading our services from BLS to ALS is a major improvement and value add for the residents of Blue Island,” says Chief Reda. “We’ll be able to provide more comprehensive care during the critical minutes it takes us to transport to the nearest medical facility, saving countless lives in the process.”

About Blue Island
The City of Blue Island was settled in 1835, making it one of the oldest communities in Chicagoland. Today, the City of Blue Island is known for its historic neighborhood charm, blended business and recreational downtown district, and diverse and growing population. For more information, visit


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