2023-001 Variance for 13015 S. Wood Street
2023-002 Variance for 2309 W. 123rd Street
2023-003 Amend Title IX General Reg. Chap 97 Alarm Systems
2023-004 Traffic Stop at Maple Ave. & High St.
2023-006 Amend Title XI Bus Reg Chp 111 Alcoholic Liquor
2023-007 Amend Title XIII (Gen Reg), Chp 130 (Offenses Against Public Peace & Safety)
2023-008 Title X (Garbage) Title III (Admin) Update City Code
2023-009 Vehicular Traffic Stop in Alley Adjacent to 2337 Prairie St
Proclamation Former Mayor R. Withers
Proclamation IDDs 03152023
2023-010 Agt Prof Fire Fighters Assoc, IAFF #3547
2023-011 Amend Title XV, Land Usage Chp 150 Bldg Reg
2023-012 Special Use Bon Manger Operate a Banquet Hall within UTOD
2023-013 Special Use Bon Manger Operate a Catering Bus within UTOD
2023-014 Special Use Unlimited Potential NFP, Inc. Operate Transitional Resi R-1
2023-015 Tax Levy 2022 To Pay Debt Svc
2023-016 Proposed TIF #8
2023-017 Appropriations Fiscal Year 010123 – 123123
2023-018 Salary Adjustments
2023-019 Special Use Perfect Reflections Daycare, LLC
2023-020 Amend Title IX Chap 95 Nuisances
2023-021 Amend Title III ADMIN Chap 39 Fee & Fine Schedule
2023-022 Amend Title V Chap 52 Water & Sewers
2023-023 Amend Title IX Chap 111 Alcoholic Liquor
2023-024 Metropolitan Alliance of Police #535 Police Clerks
2023-025 Sale of Personal Surplus Property
2023-026 Res Parking 2900 Everett Street
Proclamation 175th Anniversary of I&M Canal
Proclamation Motorcycle Awareness Month
2023-027 Special Use Top Truck Sales LLC
2023-028 Special Use Maven Automotive Consultants, Inc.
2023-029 Special Use M & F Auto Repair Inc.
2023-030 Amend Chp 165 Code Ord Regarding Signs
Proclamation Honoring Lonnie JR Bramlett Jr.
2023-031 Special Use Blue Island’s Bodega, Inc. 2218 Desplaines
2023-032 Special Use Two Sign TLC Learning Electronic Message Board Sign
2023-033 Amend Title VII Chap 72 Pkg Reg
2023-034 Amend Title XI Bus Reg Chp 121 (Scavengers, Peddlers, & Merchants)
2023-035 Amend Title IX Gen Reg Chp 100 Short Term Rentals
2023-036 Amend Title VII Traffic Code Chp 71 Speed Restrictions
2023-037 Amend Title V Public Works Chp 52 Water & Sewer
Proclamation Constitution Week
Proclamation National Rail Safety Week
2023-038 Traffic Stop 122nd St. & Irving
2023-039 Amend Title IX, Chp 98 Trees
2023-040 Clarifying Retiree Health Ins Coverage
2023-041 Combine Health Reg. & Bus License
Proclamation Honoring Devarjaye DJ Daniel
2023-043 Pd Leave for All Worker
2023-042 Special Use 2240 Grove St
2023-044 Sale of Personal Surplus Property Owned by City
2023-045 Tax Levy 01-01-23 – 12-31-23