
Blue Cap Auction Counting Down – Bidding Closes November 6

Blue Cap Auction 2020

The Blue Cap Auction is counting down! Just a few more days left to bid. Please take a moment to bid on a few items to support Blue Cap and please consider putting in a Special Project Bid as well to help them continue the great services they provide for more than 100 people with intellectual disabilities. Bidding is open …

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Blue Island Foregoing Official Trick-or-Treating Hours Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

halloween guidance 2020

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, The City of Blue Island will not be observing official Trick-or-Treating hours this Halloween. We encourage residents to continue to practice safe social distancing measures and mask-wearing, especially if participating in any celebrations where groups of people might be gathering. Be safe and be well, Blue Island. To listen to discussion at the October …

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Halloween Guidance from IDPH

halloween guidance 2020

On September 30, the Illinois Department of Public Health issued guidance for safely celebrating Halloween during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more below or by visiting

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