
Bungalow Chef joins Celebrity Chefs for Fundraiser

Mike Mech, Blue Island’s Bungalow Chef, will join Celebrity Chefs, including Art Smith owner of Table fifty two restaurant in Chicago, to prepare appetizers, a four-course meal and dessert, to help raise funds for St. Thomas the Apostle School in Chicago. Find out more about the STARRY Night fundraiser.

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Black Culture Nite

On Friday, February 20th, Neighborhood Watch Group #37 hosted their 15th Annual Black Culture Nite at the Blue Island East Annex. This year’s theme, Phenomenal Woman, honoring Maya Angelou. Presentations, songs, poems and a wonderful saxophone solo made for an entertaining evening. The Women of Worship from Glorious Life Worship Center in Blue Island did a great job decorating and …

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Believe in Blue Island

Click on the link below to read about upcoming events and things you should know. Thanks to Alderman Tom Hawley for providing these update! Believe in Blue Island Feb 27 2015

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Siren Testing

Beginning Tuesday, March 3rd, 10:00am; the sirens throughout Blue Island will be tested the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00am. In an emergency, the sirens will blare to indicate a Tornado siting. If this should happen, you should take cover immediately. Although tornadoes can happen any time of the year, tornado season in Illinois is from mid-March through June.

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2015 Utility Resource Fair

the Utility Resource Fair is hosted by Congressman Bobby L. Rush, !st District. Representatives from several organizations are available to assist income-eligible individuals with utility bills, furnace replacement, and home energy efficiency. Learn about these programs and enroll on-site. Saturday, February 28th at Kennedy King College. Utility Assistance Fair flyer

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