Search Results for: NICK

Reimer Boe House

Reimer Boe came from Holland in 1854 – although most of Blue Island was settled by Germans, there was a significant Dutch presence nearby in today’s Roseland and South Holland communities. With his wife Elsbea the Boes operated a general store on Wabash Road in the 1870s – Wabash Road has since been renamed Western Avenue and the Boe’s shop …

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Henry Schuemann House

Henry Schuemann came to this country from Mecklenburg, Germany in 1851. Schuemann and his wife Ida farmed a large tract of land at this location for many years. Schuemann later hauled stone from the Robbins quarry that was used to build the German First Lutheran Church at Grove and Ann Streets in 1864. The Schuemanns later operated a harness shop …

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Olde Western Avenue Historic District

In 1896 a fire destroyed much of Blue Island’s commercial district. The fire did not cross the Calumet feeder canal and the area known today as the Olde Western Historic District was left intact. The two block district contains the home of Stephen Jones, who settled here and opened his wagon shop in 1836, and commercial establishments from the period …

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Schrieber’s Hardware Store

August Schreiber came to Blue Island from Germany in 1851 and opened a tin shop at the northwest corner of James Street and Western Avenue. The business eventually expanded to include a full line of hardware, buggies and farm equipment and operated here for over a century. Schreiber was instrumental in the founding of the Blue Island Liederkranz, a German …

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Henry Bauer House

In 1858 Henry Bauer opened the first of four breweries that were to operate in Blue Island. A relatively small company, whose product was highly regarded, the Bauer Brewery was located just north on James Street and remained in business for 30 years. Brewers would tunnel into the high ridge to construct cooling cellars for their beer. This unique house, which …

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